Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day one hundred and three: the tax man cometh

I think, for the first time in 26 years (or however long it's been that I've had to file for income tax), I'm going to have to go to an income tax figure-outer person. 

There was a time that my mom had my taxes done by some broad... er... lady, but she's out of commission from an embolism or an aneurysm -- either way, something happened that's left the number crunching to me and I'm not so confident this time around. 

I haven't been keeping track of my tip as diligently as I should have been and now a wave of paranoia has rushed over me because I don't want to accidentally commit tax fraud and have to pay a bunch of fines or worse... end up in the clink. I've seen the Shawshank Redemption many times and as confident as I am in being able to pull off a great escape no one will ever believe I'm as much of a Rita Hayworth fan as Andy Dufresne. 

Sure jail can't be all that bad with the choreographed Michael Jackson numbers... 

Now, I'm not 100% positive but I'm pretty sure provincial and federal jails in Canada almost never have Michael Jackson's choreographer Travis Payne come out to teach some sweet dance moves a la the 
Cebu Provincial Detention And Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) in the Philippines and if that's the case I'm not taking any chances with my freedom. 

So in order to get a fair shake at this income tax thing I think it's best to leave it up to the professionals. 

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