When a credit card or debit card is declined, for whatever reason, I get just as embarrassed if not more than the poor schmuck who is trying to pay for his or her grub.
When those six letters pop up on the screen and flash: declined, I get ill. A series of excuses then start to fall out of the mouth of the payee (I know I have money, something must be wrong with the machine etc) then I have to
Sometimes I like to crack a little joke to relieve the tension so I'll say something like:
"How embarrassing?! This guy (or gal) doesn't have any money!!" And then I point at him or her for everyone to see. Or I'll say "don't worry, we have enough dishes that need to be done to cover the cost of your meal."
Most of the time this results in a bout of rosacea and avoidance of eye contact and what I figure a silent vow never to return to (insert real name here) or the New Shop.
Every time this has happened to me the diner has had another form of payment so I haven't had to go to a manager and try to figure out a solution because I can imagine this scenario is extremely awkward for everyone involved.
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