Monday, January 24, 2011

Day one hundred and fifteen: sometimes your kids are funny.

While there is nothing I deplore more about serving than serving kids, sometimes there's a couple of young pups that can really make my night. Tonight one young gal, Sarah -- I know this because she drew me a picture, wanted to know all about me and if there's one thing I've established via this blog it's that I love talking about myself. 

She asked me how old I am so I told her to take a guess. She said 16. I appreciate her uncanny ability to recognize my youthful glow. She looked at me like I had six heads when I told her I was 26 but that was soon forgotten when I brought out her chicken fingers and fries. 

I'm not sure if it was the engaging conversation or the red jello, I assume it's cherry, with whipped cream that inspired this epic piece of art but I appreciate the gesture:  

I'm not sure if the short-haired character with the spear is supposed to be me. I hope it isn't because my hair is much longer and it would negate all the nice things I've said about the artist. I don't care if she was seven years old, you're never too young to offend and make enemies in the process.

The picture made it's way onto my fridge because, if I'm not the short-haired character with the spear, it's totally awesome. 

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