Friday, December 17, 2010

Day seventy seven: grape.

I’m looking forward to the new year when Winnipeg gets so cold there's no reason to go outside unless it's mandatory say for going to work or building forts; both activities that require snow pants. 

After New Years the restaurant business slows down considerably which I'm looking forward to as far as getting some rest goes. I'm not looking forward to how little money I'll be making. 

So I'm making lemonade, so to speak, and keeping my eye on the prize: quality time in my pajamas. The cozy factor goes up considerably when I throw in a robe and the piece, or pieces, of clothing that ties it all together: my slipper socks. They’re called Vamps and they’re from Newfoundland and they're awesome. If I could compare the comfort of my slipper socks to anything I’d say they’re like walking on clouds but better. They’re like walking on the faces of angels, baby angels which everyone knows are the softest kinds of angels.  

Until that time arrives I will have no choice but to balance two jobs with an insanely busy social calendar but with great party power, comes great party power responsibilities. This means my mornings start with my post party ritual: purple Gatorade and 2 Advil Liquid Gels. 

Purple, or grape, is the best and only acceptable sports drink flavour as far as I'm concerned. Every other flavour tastes like poison. Now I don't know what poison tastes like per se but I did eat a mushroom growing in my backyard when I was six and that had some poisonous-like effects as a result. 

If there's one thing I know, it's that grape and/or purple flavour is the best:


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