Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day eighty five: Christmas hissy fits

I don't know what it is about spending time with my family but it's almost as if I regress into my childhood self.

For the past month I've been dropping not so subtle hints about what I want for Christmas: a new Blackberry Bold. My poor phone is on it's last leg: it's been put through every sort of torture short of waterboarding.  

So when I opened up an adapter for an iPhone this morning, imagine my disappointment that it wasn't a Blackberry accessory. Let me point out that I know I am a brat, a spoiled one at that but it gets even worse when I'm with my family. 

Instead of being an adult and thanking my parents for getting me a thoughtful gift I instead said "I don't want this. I want a Blackberry." 

What a brat! As soon as that came out of my mouth I wanted to take it back. I've never been one to think before I speak, that's something I've been working on for the past 26 years. 

 I'd like to say it's because I'm so run down from working everyday all day at two different jobs and putting on a smiling face and a good attitude that finally the bad behaviour had no choice but to come out but I don't have an excuse for the way I behave.

What I should have done was ask if they'd be offended if I exchanged it for a Blackberry at my uncle's Rogers store and boom! Christmas sans hissy fit. Instead I was a brat, went to my room, had a little cry because I felt like such a jerk and like many Christmases before my mom came to save the day and make me feel better for being such a brat while at the same time telling me to smarten up. 

The thing about my family is that we tend to sluff off the bad stuff. We don't hold grudges.  I spoke too soon. For whatever reason Big Bro and my little cousin had a bit of a falling out and they have yet to patch that up. 

It's like Carrie Fisher said "resentment is the poison you swallow hoping hoping the other person will die."

So did my Christmas wish come true? Yes. The new Blackberry is en route:

But what's even better than a totally awesome phone and not having to work is that I got a reminder of how lucky I am to be able to call these people my family.

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