Monday, November 1, 2010

Day thirty two: tricks of the trade

Every now and then I'll let it slip to a table that I'm still in school. I like to do it casually rather than blurting it out like I've heard other do. 

There's a pretty even divide of people who work at (insert real name here) that go to school and don't go to school. There's a few like me who have been doing the post secondary thing for the better part of a decade, career students if you will, kind of like Van Wilder but not at all like Van Wilder: 

Mentioning to my tables that I'm in school serves two purposes:
  1. It let's them know I'm a "starving student" and, hopefully, makes me a bigger tip
  2. It opens up the door to my favourite conversation topic: me. 
Cheap trick? Perhaps. More tips? Not always. But it doesn't hurt. Now before you pass judgement, let me tell you a story of a friend of mine and how he takes the art of subconscious trickery to a whole new level. For the sake of anonymity I won't tell you his name or the place he works but I will tell you a little trick he plays. 

This friend of mine, we'll call him Chet, has been a server for a few years. Every now and then Chet likes to let his table know that he is a single dad with two children. Fact of the matter is Chet still lives at home with his parents and these children he speaks of are non-existent.

Here's how he does it:

Table: Sorry for the mess. 

Chet: *Laugh* Aw this is nothing, you should see the mess my kids make. 

Boom! Instant boost in tip. Chet is also a nanny, or a man nanny... a manny. So if he has to tell a story about his "kids" he has a bevy of anecdotes all set to go. 

A tip of the hat to Chet I say. 

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