Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day fifty five: cleanliness is next to godliness.

A clean uniform is necessary to make a good impression on a table which is why I wash my work clothes every now and then.

Wednesdays are my laundry day as per the laundry schedule on my floor between the hours of 4 PM and 8 PM.

Imagine my surprise when someone took it upon his or herself to put in a load at 4:05 just moments before I walked in to get mine done. What the fun? Naturally, I dumped my laundry bag on the ground, marched back into my apartment and crafted a note:

I know what you're thinking "great penmanship (insert my real name here)." 

I put the note on the washer, went back to my apartment and stared out the peep hole for 20 minutes. Sure the passive aggressive note would suffice but I felt as if catching the perp (that's crime drama lingo for perpetrator) would be more satisfying.

The laundry/evil doer was the lady who just moved in down the hall last month. It really grinds my gears because she's already done this to me. I explained to her then just as I had done today that she can't do her laundry whenever she pleases. There is a series of check and balances that lets us live harmoniously and when you screw with the laundry schedule nothing good can come of it.

She then told me she was going out and that I could just put her stuff in the dryer when it was done in the wash, then put the dry clothes on a table so she could come get them when she got home.

So I said, "No. I'm not going to do your laundry. Are you for real? I'm going to take your clothes out of the washing machine and put them on the table and you can rewash the funk smell out of them when the laundry room is open."

Laundry etiquette:
  1. Don't touch my laundry and I won't touch yours. 
  2. Don't do your laundry during my scheduled time. 
Moral of the story: I forgot to wash my work clothes. 

1 comment:

  1. Apartments suck for that, but at least you have scheduled times for your laundry. I wish I had the excuse to throw people's laundry out when they throw mine out.
